Thursday, February 17, 2011

second draft

Grandfather is a word  that some people just never get to say, their usually the one who spoiled you. That's what my gramps did. He was more than my gramps, he was someone i looked up to, knew how a man should treat a women, my grandmother and grandfather were my role models when i was younger. He thought me my values today. When my grandfather got sick i knew he was going to try his hardest to pull through. I was 14 years old when I last talked to my grandfather. I block myself from trying to remember that whole day. I don’t want to remember one of the saddest days. My grand parents were the best two people I have ever met. They thought me values, respect and manners. Through the years my grandfather had battled with some rough things. Varies from pneumonia to emphysema. He was a fighter alright. April 28th 2006 was a beautiful day I remember the clouds were shaped like cotton balls. I remember that because I was sitting outside wonder what was coming next. My mom came to me and told me that I had to go with her there was a lady there  that was going to say last rights. At that time I didn’t really get what was going on, but soon I came to understand. I remember me standing next to my grandfather and seeing him not in good shape, but he didn’t look anything different. I began to feel a big wave of sadness come over me, and my eyes bust with tears. I got closer to him after the rights were read. Kissed him on his cheek, he grabbed my hand and said “rob I love you so much”. “I’ll be watching over you I have all the faith in the world in you”. Then I began to break down and hugged him for the last time. My grandfather died three days later in his sleep. I know now that I had to live up to the person my grandfather and I both knew I could be. Five years later I still bring him with me everyday. Always making sure I can live up to what he taught me and how I treat others. I know I got him looking down on me, and I wouldn’t want him to be disappointed in me. On holidays we still remember him with a candle we light in his remembrance. You never realize how much you miss someone until they’re gone just like they always said. Its not about what you lost, its what about the time you had.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Robin:
    This is a moving experience.

    Yet I looked long and hard for a theme--a belief. You do seem to write at the end something that approaches a theme but I'm not sure (a title would help, as would some kind of intro?). Have you shown us (readers) the time you had with your grandfather? This seems more like a private moment rather than something that readers can access. Try to bring your readers into this by recreating an important moment between you? It can be a positive experience. Just remember to use voice, repetition, dialogue, descriptive language, strong verbs and the like.

    no post write?
    Can you separate your draft into paragraphs?
    Might you provide a title?
    All these things show me that you are mindful of your reader--an important quality for writers to have.
    note typo? their usually
    note comma splice--here and elsewhere-- (and why the shift to "you")? Grandfather is a word that some people just never get to say, their usually the one who spoiled you
    not quite a sentence: Varies from pneumonia to emphysema.
    fused sentence: April 28th 2006 was a beautiful day I remember the clouds were
    typo? I was sitting outside wonder what
    fragment: Always making sure I can live up to what he taught me and how I treat others
